Who We Are

Seeds & Sprouts’ main aspiration is to build community, to be the vessel that families need, to lend a hand, reminding us that we are not alone in the task of raising children. Seeds & Sprouts was created out of an immense love for all children, their unique personalities and their raw and honest approach towards life. Founded by Manuela De Mattei, the program is informed by her experience as a mother of five and her training in Waldorf pedagogy. 

“My name is Manuela. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina by my parents, who were my first teachers. I learned from them that there is no love like the one a parent has towards their children, that parenthood is not an easy task but the most rewarding one, that human beings are not perfect and that respect towards others is something we have to work on on daily basis. My five children are my most loving teachers. They teach me happiness, innocence, patience, laughter, authenticity, service and so much more! My community is where I find comfort and company in my family journey.”

At Seeds & Sprouts we believe that self-initiated PLAY is the most important work of children and we provide a safe space and environment for that to happen. The first seven years of life are the blueprint that reveal what is to come. At Seeds & Sprouts we provide the environment in which children are free to develop their physical and psychic selves. By closely observing each child, we are able to learn what the child needs to flourish. We use that information not to dictate behavior or actions but to walk alongside the child with respect. This level of attunement allows us to assess when to intervene, when to guide, or when to just let the child set their own boundaries. 

We pay great importance to the moments of care. Changing a diaper, feeding, tending a fall or a cut, washing hands are all times of connection in which we can make children feel safe and seen. Respect is the foundation of all interactions at Seeds&Sprouts. We treat the child not only as a child, but as a human being. We let the child know what is going to happen next so that the child is not surprised by our actions, hence letting them know that they can trust us as caregivers. Once trust is established, children feel free to be their authentic selves without fear of losing the love or attention of the caregiver.

De Mattei has a degree in Early Childhood Waldorf Pedagogy from the Sunbridge Institute in Chestnut Ridge, NY;  an Early Childhood Certificate Program from LifeWays North America in Kimberton, PA; and many hours of on-line studies on RIE Principles and Pikler Pedagogy. De Mattei was introduced to Waldorf education through the Harbor Waldorf School where her children attended pre-school. This is also where she met one of her most influential mentors, Andi Pisacano, an early childhood educator with twenty years experience who passed on her knowledge of puppetry, music, and the community building potential of laughter. After obtaining her degree at Sunbridge, De Mattei worked at Harbor Waldorf as an educator facilitating Parent&Child Classes and as an EC “Elderberry” Teacher.